Tuesday, June 17, 2008

For Immediate Release
Contact: Paul E. Nelson
Global Voices Radio/SPLAB!
Ilalqo, WA98002


Global Voices Radio / SPLAB! E-Fishwrapper

In this E-Fishwrapper, Free Acupuncture Session, David Rizzi wins Lohman Prize, Call for Burning Word Committee Members and a Monday Meeting, Office Space for Writers, Subito Press Annual Book Competition, a new CD from Vancouver's Heather Haley and news about Sam Hamill.

1) Augusto Romano is the best Italian Acupuncturist in Kent.

OK, maybe that's not saying much, but a free introductory session does. He's at it again, that crazy Paisan, who says Hello Xi! when the needle frees up a blockage. He wants YOU, the dedicated Fishwrapper Fiend, to call him and set up a free appointment at his Kent or Queen Anne office. Is he giddy because his beloved Celtics just won their 17th NBA Title? Probably, but I told him I would Fishwrap this weeks ago and I'll want a free session down the line when my Medical Insurance lapses. Any minute now. Call 206. 229.7219. Get a session before he moves to California. (WTF?!)

2) Jeanne Lohmann Contest Prize Winners' Reading Tomorrow (Wednesday) night

June 18, 2008- Sean Brendan-Brown - Olympia - David Rizzi - Seattle, Olympia Poetry Network Reading only, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Traditions Café and World Folk Art 300 - 5th Avenue SW, Olympia

July 16, 2008 - Michael Magee, featured reader

3) Poetry Festival Committee Needed

In April of 2009 the WPA will be hosting a poetry festival in Seattle,
Washington. The exact details of what this festival will look like are
completely undecided as of this time and awaiting a committee's input.
One thing is certain, it will be a reinvention of the poetic word like
a phoenix rising from the Seattle concrete.

One need not be a member of the WPA to be on this committee, but it is
highly encouraged that one become one. All that is desired is people
willing to commit at least 40 hours of their life to doing actual
work on this festival between now and April, an open mind, and a
dedication to poetry.

First meeting will be June 23rd at Faire Gallery & Coffee at Melrose
and Olive Way in Capitol Hill at 6:30pm. Contact Angel Latterell, WPA
President, for details at angellatterell@gmail.com.

4) Shared Office Space with Literary Organizations:

Need one or two writers, or grant writers, or non-profit literary organizations to share office space with 2 Seattle-based literary organizations. Excellent University District location at 43rd and Roosevelt; light-filled space. $165/month and $165
deposit. A wonderful deal for right party. For more information, e-mail Phoebe Bosche, editors@ravenchronicles.org, or phone her at 206-364-2045. Available now.

5) Subito Press of the University of Colorado announces its Annual Book Competition. We will publish two books of innovative writing, one each of fiction and poetry. Submissions will be accepted from June 2 to August 15 (postmark date).

Submit manuscripts of up to 70 pages of poetry or up to 100 pages of (double spaced) fiction along with a $20 reading fee and an 8.5 x 11 SASE if you would like a copy of the winning entry in your genre. Manuscripts should include two cover sheets: one with title only, the other with title, author's name, address, e-mail, and phone number. All submissions will be judged anonymously by the creative writing faculty at the University of Colorado; friends, relatives, and former students of University of Colorado creative writing faculty are not eligible. Simultaneous submissions o.k.; please notify Subito immediately if your ms. is accepted elsewhere. Winners will give a reading at the University of Colorado. Notifications of winners will occur by December of 2008.

Send mss. to :

Subito Press
Department of English
226 University of Colorado, Boulder,
Boulder, Colorado 80309-0226

6) I had a chance to go to Vancouver to check out the new film on Charles Olson, entitled Polis is This: Charles Olson and the Persistence of Place. Henry Ferrini, Vince's nephew, created the film and worked for 12 years to get it financed and produced, and while it is aimed at an audience that does not know who Olson was, this is a must-see for any poet. It'd be nice to see this in Seattle sometime. (Subtext? Are you listening?)

I hung out with Heather Haley while in Vancouver, the most beautiful city I have ever seen, and Heather's new CD is a cross between poetry and Joy Division. Of her work, Karen Solie said: "What I see as one of your big strengths, your originality, has to do with the content you choose but perhaps more so your tone with it....Your work resists any simplistic approach toward it as settled in a particular emotion. You tend to write a lot about domestic situations-families, home lives and relationships of one variety or another, familiar natural environments-but the work isn't domesticated. It reflects the nature of language as both a domestic product and as wild-impossible to fully manage or control. You take a lot of risks in your poems...You have a good instinct for the weirdness of language, the sound and rhythm...

Click above for the link to Heather's beautiful website and listen to cuts from the CD.

7) Sam Hamill is involved in a magnificent poetry/painting project that will be featured at the Davidson Gallery, at 301 Occidental Avenue South on the first Thursday of July, the 3rd. I hope to see you there.

So long since the last E-Fishwrapper, so sorry for that lapse. I have MUCH MORE free time these days. Running the WPA Board drained me of almost every last bit of creative energy and almost all my desire to see another poet, ever, but tequila and golf with Sam helped ease those concerns (he warned me about the task) and here I am with more poetry stuff.

Some in the WPA would change the name of the Burning Word Festival, which may move to Seattle next year. Get on the committee and make the Festival happen in 2009. Angel Latterell is going to do some cool things with that cranky, old organization.

Lana Ayers axed me about the August Poetry Postcard Fest and I am in. Details coming soon, so if you want IN to the postcard thing, drop Lana an email. I have cc'd her at a couple of different addresses and one of them must be current, eh?

Well, life on the Rez wasn't what I imagined, so here I am back in job search mode, but some good things are coming up on the radar screen and details soon, I hope.

xoxo President Postcard.

Want off this email list? Just ask.

Paul E. Nelson

Global Voices Radio
American Sentences
Organic Poetry
Poetry Postcard Blog

Ilalqo, WA 253.735.6328 or 888.735.6328

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