Wednesday, January 28, 2009

For Immediate Release
Contact: Paul E. Nelson
Global Voices Radio/SPLAB!
Ilalqo, WA98002

Global Voices Radio / SPLAB! E-Fishwrapper

In this E-Fishwrapper, more Kozer, a petition from Quincy Jones, Above Ground (Canada) pdf’s, Subtext, a panel discussion on local publishing featuring Paul Hunter and David Horowitz (among others) and in the spirit of Obama, reaching out to R’s, a workshop on how to communicate with animals. Really. And she’s good.

1) José Kozer is the feature at the next Red Sky Reunion this Sunday at 7PM at the Richard Hugo House. Signup for open mic is at 6:30. We hope to see you there.

2) Some workshop slots are available for this Sunday 1-5 and a couple of scholarships as well. Email for details, or registration, or do it on-line. Details here: He gives the best poetry critiques I have ever seen. His visit is made possible in part by the Hugo House, Poets & Writers, the Seattle Office of Arts and Cultural Affairs, Casa de Escritores, the WPA and workshop participants like YOU.

3) José will also do a workshop at Doe Bay on Orcas Island, one of the most remarkable retreat centers you'll ever see, with a wide range of accommodations. Reservations HERE. That workshop is Saturday, February
7, from 1-5P, with a reading at 7P that night.

3) U.S. Secretary of Culture
Dear Friend of the Arts-

Quincy Jones has started a petition to ask President-Elect Obama to appoint a Secretary of the Arts. While many other countries have had Ministers of Art or Culture for centuries, The United States has never created such a position. We in the arts need this and the country needs the arts--now more than ever. Please take a moment to sign this important petition and then pass it on to your friends and colleagues.

4) Band of Poets Tonight!

Band of Poets performs at Richard Hugo House (1634 11th Ave., Capitol Hill) tonight (Wednesday, Jan. 28), at 7 PM in the Cabaret. FREE.
Band of Poets is a music and poetry collaboration featuring John Burgess (punk poems, noise), Jed Myers (guitar, harmonica, poetry), and David Rizzi (drums, percussion, poetry) with guest Priya Keefe.

We take turns reading poems over improvised jazz, blues, country and percussion. Expect ballads and hymns, political outrage, ghosts of the Beats, edginess and tender moments. No promises though -- no two shows are alike.

This is the band's first appearance since the Dawning of the Age of Obama. Directions and more about Richard Hugo House at

5) the above/ground press ALBERTA SERIES

is now on-line; a series of chapbooks produced while in Alberta, they are now all available free as downloadable pdfs;

One > rob mclennan
Two > George Bowering
Three > Christine Stewart
Four > Natalie Simpson
Five > Catherine Owen
Six > Jenna Butler
Seven > Douglas Barbour
Eight > derek beaulieu

6) from Mimi Allin: Untitled [Intersection]
Moderated by Dave Jarecki
Friday 27 February @ 7P
The Phinney Center in Greenwood


guest moderator and literary journalist, DAVE JARECKI. Join us for a lively discussion about how we are manifesting the poetry of our times. Panelists include six accomplished poet/publishers from Washington and Oregon who will read from their work and contribute to a discussion about what they are doing to make poetry widespread, beautiful and affordable. This 2-hour event includes a wine & cheese reception. It is open to the public with a requested donation of $5-10. Untitled [Intersection] is curated by A. K. "Mimi" Allin for The Phinney Center in Greenwood

7) Learn How To Communicate with Animals with Mary J. Getten
Telepathic communication with animals is a skill that you can learn. It will increase the bond and understanding between you and your pets, help you deal with behavior problems and address important issues. Do you want to know what your pets want or need? Why not ask them directly? Find the joy and communion that comes from reconnecting the link with other species in this workshop. On the first day, you will learn the essentials of telepathic communication and how to quiet your mind. We’ll have fun practicing psychic development techniques, discovering your blocks and understanding animals’ perspectives. On the second day, you will practice hands-on communication with animal friends — old and new. Your pet may want to accompany you on this exciting day.
Olympia, WA
February 7 and 8, 2009
12:00 – 5:00 both days
She is available for phone consultations by appointment.
Visit the website or call Mary for information or to register.

8) from Subtext:
WHERE: CHAPEL PERFORMANCE SPACE - 4th Floor of GOOD SHEPHERD CENTER, located at 4649 Sunnyside N, just south of 50th St in Wallingford.
TICKETS: Donations accepted at the door

Subtext continues its monthly reading series with readings by Laynie Browne & Michael Cross at Chapel Performance Space as part of the Wayward Music Series on the 4th of February 2009. Donations for admission will be taken at the door on the evening of the performance. The reading starts at 7:30pm.

LAYNIE BROWNE is author of seven full-length collections of poetry, a novel, and many chapbooks. Her most recent collections are The Scented Fox (Wave, 2007), Daily Sonnets (Counterpath Press, 2007), and Drawing a Swan Before Memory, which won the Contemporary Poetry Series in 2005 (University of Georgia Press). She has taught poetry-in-the-schools as a visiting artist in New York City and Seattle, and has taught creative writing at UW-Bothell, Mills College, and at the Poetry Center at University of Arizona. She currently lives in Tucson.

MICHAEL CROSS edited Involuntary Vision: after Akira Kurosawa's Dreams (Avenue B, 2003) and is currently editing an anthology of the George Oppen Memorial Lectures at San Francisco State University. He publishes Atticus/Finch Chapbooks (, and his first book, in felt treeling, is forthcoming from Chax Press. He is a doctorial candidate at SUNY Buffalo and a new Seattle resident.

9) Inaugural Poem Remix:

10) from the Drug Policy Alliance:

Less than two days. That's how long it took ex-President Bush's cronies inside the federal government to strike out at President Obama and use taxpayer money to undermine him.
Last Thursday the DEA raided a medical marijuana dispensary in California, putting the lives of cancer, HIV/AIDS and other patients at risk.
But we can show President Obama that the American people will stand with him in this fight and hold him accountable for his campaign promise to end these raids.
As you may know, President Obama promised to end the Bush administration's cruel and costly raids on medical marijuana patients and caregivers in states where marijuana is legal for medical use. He's in the process of replacing Bush officials who are the source of the problem, but that takes time.
Quite frankly, what the Bush loyalists inside the DEA did in South Lake Tahoe is the equivalent of giving President Obama the finger.
Now is our chance to urge President Obama to protect at-risk patients. If he doesn't stand up forcefully to Bush's cronies, they will continue to undermine his presidency. And terminally ill patients will suffer.
Bill Piper
Director, Office of National Affairs
Drug Policy Alliance

11) Beer!

E-Foam, Elysian Brewing Company¹s Online Newsletter January 27, 2009


In the world of beer we have a lot to look forward to this year.

We have just brewed the first Collabeeration beer with New Belgium. New
Belgium Brewing is now a legal brewer in the State of WA, operating within
the Elysian Capitol Hill brewery. The first version of The Trip, a
Belgian-style Trippel/IPA hybrid was brewed last Thursday. A release at the
end of February is scheduled for this draught-only product at fine beer
retailers around the Puget Sound. It will of course be on tap at all three
Elysian locations.

We have started to send some beer to the Bay Area. We hope to have full
distribution by Spring from San Jose to Sacramento.

San Francisco Beer Week (
Thursday 2/12 Oak-aged beer at 21st Amendment. We will taste Bifrost,
JackFrost and OakFrost.
Saturday 2/14 Toronado Barleywine Festival (Cyclops-Olde One Eye)
Sunday 2/15 Celebrator Beer News Beer Festival.

ELYSIAN WINTER BEER FESTIVAL (always the last Saturday of February)
Saturday February 28 Elysian Capitol Hill 12noon-10PM

Philly Beer Week (
Thursday March 10th-Meet The Buhler-Monks Café 10PM
David Buhler will be pouring some special beers in the backroom of Monks.

12) from David Abel, whose excellent Spare Room reading just had its 100th session. CONGRATS. Here’s more from Portland:

Opportunities to study North Indian classical vocal music (raga) with composer & singer Michael Stirling, disciple of Pandit Pran Nath and student of Terry Riley.

More information about the classes, and about Michael, at the end of this message.

Beginning class (all welcome)
10 weeks
Tuesdays, February 3 to April 7, 7:00 - 9:00 pm

Advanced class (prior experience required)
10 weeks
Thursdays, February 5 to April 9, 7:00 - 9:00 pm

$121 ($15 drop-in fee, or just over $12/class paid in advance)

Yoga Shala
3808 N. Williams

13) from Marc Weinblatt:

Mandala Center for Change presents our 11th annual:


(A 6-day intensive workshop w/ community performance
for beginner as well as more experienced T.O. practitioners seeking to deepen their work.)

Facilitated by Marc Weinblatt

When: June 22 – 27, 2009
(M-Th 9:30 AM - 6 PM; Fri 12-10 PM; Sat 10 AM - 4 PM)

Where: Port Townsend, WA (see info below)

Cost: US$450; $400 if registered by April 30th
($$ arrangements available based on need; no one turned away.)

Registration: Send $100 (per person) non-refundable deposit to:
Mandala Center
510 35th St.
Port Townsend, WA 98368

For more info, contact: 360-344-3435 or

As created by Brazilian visionary, Augusto Boal, Theatre of the Oppressed (T.O.) is a form of popular community based education which uses theater as a tool for social change. It's basic aim is to re-humanize humanity. Originally developed out of Boal’s work with peasant and worker populations, it is now used all over the world for social and political activism, conflict resolution, community building, therapy, and government legislation. Designed for non-actors, it uses the universal language of theatre as a springboard for people and whole communities to investigate their lives, identify their dreams, and reinvent their future. Not a soapbox, T.O. invites critical thinking and dialogue. It is about analyzing rather than giving answers. It is also about "acting" (taking action) rather than just talking. With T.O., people can and often do discover empowering solutions to their own struggles. And they have a good time doing it!

14) Some of the many links I have posted to Facebook: Worldwide
Jan. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the Obama administration must make “hard choices” on weapons spending that could include targeting specific programs, according to a draft of his testimony tomorrow to the Senate Armed Services Committee.
The discussion about cutting Military spending begins...

I've spent a lot of time on José’s visit, so it would mean a lot to me if we could see your smiling face at one of his events. has all the salient details. Meredith is moved in and our cats are beginning to create some kind of peace here in the house, mainly because Zappa is going outside more often. Tupelo does NOT like chicken livers and prefers to scratch the cardboard box than eat ‘em.
I’ll be facilitating a 6 week workshop on The Personal Mythology of Organic Poetry at Hugo House this Spring on Tuesday nights, starting 4.7 at 7P. A little teaser workshop, a benefit for Subud is happening on Saturday, March 28th. More on that soon.

Want off this email list? Just ask.
xoxo President Postcard.

Paul E. Nelson

Global Voices Radio
American Sentences
Organic Poetry
Poetry Postcard Blog

Ilalqo, WA 253.735.6328

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